Wadia 860x vs Audio Aero Capitole Mark II 24/192?

what's up everybody,

I need some opinon.

Ok, I'm own a Wadia 860x for a while now, I'm thinking to try the Audio Aero Capitole Mark ll 24/192. I have been reading about the Capitole Mark ll for a while it sounds like it would be incredible to owned. My question is, Did anyone had any experience compare this two model? Which one sounds better? Any info would appreciate.

Thank You.
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Showing 1 response by sayjul

Hello everyone,

Just want to say THANK YOU ALL for the info, I really enjoy all your opinions and help me to decide what to do, I'm going with the GNS Statement upgrade, I think this is the right move, with this incredible upgrade seems to me why not, so I'm going to give a try. I'm going to give a call to Steve by Tuesday morning. I can't wait, lol. :>)

Thank You All.