Wadia 850 and Spectral DMA 150 matching without pre-amp

Can I directly connect a Wadia 850 to a Spectral DMA 150 without using a Spectral pre-amp?

I understand that the Spectral pre-amp give very current output (upto 1 amp) and a maixinum voltage of 100v peak for the power-amp. The guy at my local audio shop advised that Wadia/Spectral power amp direct connect would give poor dynamic range. However, I am not quite understand the reasons behind it.

Would anybody give me some advise.

Showing 1 response by sfstereo

I have a Wadia 850 that I run into my Krell monoblocks and it works just fine. The Krell amps needs only 2 volts to reach its maximum power. If you are going to connect the 850 directly into the DMA 150, use balanced outputs. The 850 will provide up to 1/4 of an amp but it really doesn't matter since the input impedance of most amps are 50 to 100K Ohms so it only needs the voltage. For most amps, preamp out of 2 to 5 volts is more than enough. Give it a try you just like it.