wadia 581 My 581 skips and doesn't recognize sacd

Anyone else had a problem with a wadia 581 skipping and not recognizing sacd's. I'm about to throw mine out the window. It's the 581 with plastic remote. Cd's are hot enough to melt. I have the side vents. I clean my cd's religously. Any ideas? i've had a lot of players and transport problems are usually a bad sign. I hope someone has good news.

Showing 2 responses by rtn1

Instead of throwing it out the window, why not return it to Wadia for diagnosis and repair?

If they cannot fix it, I would ask for a refund. That would be reasonable. For that amount of money, it should be flawless. It is probably an early production problem, and they should support early adopters.

Sorry you are having such bad luck.
