wadia 581, accuphase dp75, aero capital mkII, Mbl

I'm looking for a new CD player to replace my ayre cx7. In my system the ayre sounds a bit forward and cold, and am looking for more of a warm analogue like sound. Anyone familiar with the relative "sound" of accuphase, wadia, aero, and mbl? These seem to be all highly regarded players, but I'm wondering which will give me the sound I want while preserving nuance, soundstage, imaging and bass which are very important to me. Any thoughts? Thanks

Showing 1 response by tcheathertree

Thanks for the feedback. I just took delivery of the MBL 1531 and am very impressed with the sound--much more natural, airy, spacial resolution, no harshness at all...not what I would consider warm or analogue like (Was using the Ayre Cx7e before). Hard to explain, but I'd say the sound is delicate, transparent and incredibly refined. As an example, I hear the "breathiness" (is this a word?)of female vocals now that I did not before. I'm not overcome by power or dynamics of the musical presentation, but amazed by the sheer beauty of it. With it my speakers (Dali MS4) have some of the characteristics of electrostatic speakers I previously owned, but with much more fullness and richness to the sound. It's not broken in yet, but I can't wait to see how it evolves! (FYI- associated components are First sound MKII preamp with paramount upgrade, Shunyata hydra 8 and richard gray 1200s power conditioning, audience Au24 speaker cable)