Wadia 25 DAC

I searched under Wadia to find some info on the 25 and found next to nothing. Am I to assume this DAC is not worth talking about? I'm looking for a DAC for my Sony scd777es. I'm interested in the digital volume option but not married to it. How is this unit? A local dealer told me Wadia stuff is a little on the sterile side. Anyone out there who owns one?

Showing 1 response by meisterkleef

I owned the 25 (mated to a Denon DCD-1520 as transport) for
about a year before switching to the one-box 860 back in
late '97. At the time Wadia (both marketing and engineering
reps that I spoke to while considering the switch) felt the
860 was essentially the 20 transport and the 25 dac in a
single box and gave up only a very little bit to the
seperates in terms of overall performance.

The 25 is a fabulous dac. As Samujohn indicated, the last
adjective I would use to describe the Wadia "house sound" is
"sterile." Dynamic with a front-of-hall perspective is the
way I usually describe the Wadia sound.

One question though...

The 25 certainly can't decode a DSD data stream. Does the
Sony SCD-777es downconvert SACD to one of either 44.1khz or
48khz sampling rates on the digital out? Is the digital out
operational at all when playing an SACD?