wadia 21

is there anything anyone can share with me about the wadia 21 player? i can't afford a big wadia right now...
I've owned a Wadia 21 for 8 or 9 years now. I bought it new. It has performed flawlessly for that time. I've always used it direct into a power amplifier. Presently it is driving a ML-335 which drives Wilson Sophia's using Transparent cable. A couple of years ago I listened to a ML-390S in my system, but did not hear any compelling reason to change the Wadia. I wish the Wadia had a hefty metal remote control rather than a plastic one. Until a CD/SACD player with a good volume control comes out, I'm sticking with the Wadia. Hope this helps.
I was in the same position as you were a few years back. I emailed Wadia looking for info, and they replied with e plethora of useful info. I forgot what those were though since I didn't end up getting one.
is there anyone who can share their experience with the wadia 21? there is next to nothing on the web.