Wadia 171i Digital Transport Sound Issues

I enjoyed my 170i so much I decided to upgrade to the 171i, in retrospect I think I should have saved my money to spend on music. The 171i has proven itself to be a "tweak" and I'm having a tough time getting what I believe could be a more musical experience closer to the sound of CD. At the moment the unit is powered by the CIAUDIO VDC9 power supply using a run of Nordost/Magus power cord, on the digital side I tried both Toslink and 75ohm cable and settled on Kimber's D60 75ohm cable. All of this is feeding my Cambridge AZUR 840C CDP which I am using as a DAC. The problems I'm having with the sound of the 171i is the introduction of too much base and lack of top end detail (I'm using WAV files) Any suggestions that might help? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by ton1313

Have you tried AppleLossless instead of WAV?

I have done the exact upgrade you have, into my 840C. I am however using the stock PC, and a ZU ASH digital cable.

I found that the upgrade to the 171 did improve the top end detail in my system.