W and M Interconnects

Rarely do I feel compelled to say anything about products but purchasing these prompted me to let you guys know about W&M based in the U.K. First let me start by saying that you should not feel indifferent to my remarks here because I have no previous feedback. I have no feedback because I used to be a dealer and until recently I never really had a reason to purchase anything outside of the business. I have been a member for several years, logging on whenever I had free time. Now that I am in the market for some things there of course is no place to find better replacement equipment than Audiogon in my opinion. Having said this I must say that these are very fine interconnects. The quality and workmanship is some of the finest I have seen on any cable costing less than $1000 and better than many costing much more. I have not had the chance to hook them up yet but I can't wait to do so. For now, all I can hope for is that they sound as beautiful as they look... I have no worries that this will be the case either! The guys over at W&M know their stuff, always respond to emails in a timely manner (you will be greeted by a lot of “hi mates”, “cheers” and such with a lovely British demeanor that adds a sense of class and enthusiasm to the communications process) and are dedicated to quality and workmanship. Give em a try; I think you will be pleased. I can't wait to hear how they sound but I am currently faced with the dilemma of trying to decide if I should actually hook them up or just display them for all to see :-) If you are one of those people that leaves work early on the day your new cables are to arrive because you can’t stand the suspense any longer; you won’t be disappointed that you upset your boss when you open the extremely well packaged product.

P.S. I am going to try and post this as a review under the cables section as well.

What happens when and if you ever hook up these new W&M interconnects, give them proper break-in, and conclude that they sound like dog poop? Do you come back to this thread and state, "Well, I finally listened to these beautiful interconnects and they sound like cr#p. Even the cheapest Radio Shack ic's sound leaps and bounds better. However, because they are some of the most beautifully constructed interconnects I've ever seen, I still have to highly recommend them to all my fellow Audiogoners. Cheers!"
"I am not going to even attempt to argue with Seandtaylor99 because unless he has a degree in electrical engineering focusing on computers and electronics his remarks have no merit whatsoever."

Actually I do. I have a EE degree and I write embedded software for internet protocols, cellular modems and GPS tracking. But I don't want to argue. If you can show that what I've written is untrue then go ahead. I'm no expert on USB but I know it's a high speed packetized protocol, and, as such will require buffering and reclocking before feeding a DAC.
I find it hard to believe that you have an EE degree and you are designing software protocols for computer chips. It does not make since to me. Seems to me you would have more of a degree in computer science, programming or CIS. I'll have to check with some of my colleagues to see when programming started being taught in any major University Engineering degree program. The simple fact that you cannot speak intelligently of USB cables shows me that you had no business countering my comments as you did. Who gives a crap of whether it is a high speed packetized protocol. The simple fact that a USB was originally designed to and to this day conducts enough current to power a device connected to it makes it a horrible connection for any audiophile device. Heck, lets just design a new digital or analogue interface that will allow us to power our equipment through powered interconnect cables. Then we won't even have to worry about buying good power cables. Would you power your LCD TV with a HDMI Cable that also transmits your audio and video signal? I think not. Heck, you guys might!!! Who knows….

There have been plenty of people who have agreed with me but rather argue on here with people who seem to lack the appropriate credentials trying to back it up with a bunch of B.S. and actually read my rebuttal post, they have instead sent me emails asking me about the cables in person.

Sherod, if you would have taken the time to actually read my rebuttal to the original post Herman made you would seen that I plainly state that if I don't like the cables after I hear them I will plainly say so. I hate people like you who think they can be part of the crowd by posting in the middle of a heated thread without actually reading previous threads. Go read a book or something and educate yourself rather than doing something to make yourself sound stupid.

I have wasted way too much time on this post and I refuse to argue with people like you. No one likes a flamer and all you guys have done is ruin your credibility on Audiogon. Now, excuse me while I "LISTEN" to my extremely nice new cables which sounded "EXTREMELY" transparent and warm directly out of the box. This is the “BEST SOUNDING” cable, out of the box, under $1000 dollars I have ever heard. Happy now you flamers! I can't wait until I am actually used to them. I can't believe I paid so little for such a “FINE SOUNDING" cable. I will be buying from W&M again very soon. I can’t wait until their power cables are ready!!!

Oh no....You know, no one agrees with you Bryan…no one likes you Bryan….My dad can beat up your dad Bryan… You guys are indeed pathetic… Find something else constructive to do with your lives. I am done with this thread period!!!!!!!! Cheers
Forgive me, my intrusion Bryandaws, on your heated debate with Herman. I had thought that these threads were for all members to share their input. Weren't you directing this thread to "all" Audiogon members? Actually, I was kind of making a joke about your initial "review" based on how good they look when you hadn't even listened to them. I totally agree with Herman that this approach was a waste of thread space, but it did build into an interesting debate which I felt compelled to throw in a little joke. Didn't you laugh just a bit? You really do need to take a chill pill and relax. Now that you've supposedly listened to these interconnects and like them, I am happy for you. Would I buy them based on your recommendations,er,"review"? Nope! Not a chance. I get a little queazy anyway when I see cables with ferrite cores built into them. IMHO
Bryan, since credentials seem to be so important may I be so bold as to inquire about yours? Since I know you will ask, I have been involved in electronics at the component level for almost 30 years after working on a wide variety of communication equipment in the military, taught electronics at an associate level for 10 years, and have been repairing medical lasers for the past 15 years. I spend a fair amount of time reading about this topic and discussing it with fellow hobbyists and friends I have in the industry, and then applying what I have learned by building and modifying my own equipment. That doesn’t mean I know everything but I do know you can’t judge a cable by how it looks.

Also, please elaborate on your statement “The simple fact that a USB was originally designed to and to this day conducts enough current to power a device connected to it makes it a horrible connection for any audiophile device.” Since the function of the interface is to transfer digital data to a receiver chip I fail to see any correlation between the amount of current it carries and the sound quality, but I am eager to be enlightened. It seems to me that if the data arrives intact it doesn’t matter if the cable is carrying a micro amp or a mega amp.