W and M Interconnects

Rarely do I feel compelled to say anything about products but purchasing these prompted me to let you guys know about W&M based in the U.K. First let me start by saying that you should not feel indifferent to my remarks here because I have no previous feedback. I have no feedback because I used to be a dealer and until recently I never really had a reason to purchase anything outside of the business. I have been a member for several years, logging on whenever I had free time. Now that I am in the market for some things there of course is no place to find better replacement equipment than Audiogon in my opinion. Having said this I must say that these are very fine interconnects. The quality and workmanship is some of the finest I have seen on any cable costing less than $1000 and better than many costing much more. I have not had the chance to hook them up yet but I can't wait to do so. For now, all I can hope for is that they sound as beautiful as they look... I have no worries that this will be the case either! The guys over at W&M know their stuff, always respond to emails in a timely manner (you will be greeted by a lot of “hi mates”, “cheers” and such with a lovely British demeanor that adds a sense of class and enthusiasm to the communications process) and are dedicated to quality and workmanship. Give em a try; I think you will be pleased. I can't wait to hear how they sound but I am currently faced with the dilemma of trying to decide if I should actually hook them up or just display them for all to see :-) If you are one of those people that leaves work early on the day your new cables are to arrive because you can’t stand the suspense any longer; you won’t be disappointed that you upset your boss when you open the extremely well packaged product.

P.S. I am going to try and post this as a review under the cables section as well.
Tubby, most if not all of Bryan's points against USB DACs are completely unfounded. Even though they are not without pitfalls and take some careful research and effort to properly implement, hard drive based server systems are the wave of the future and offer ouststanding performance at a modest price. You seem like a reasonable, rational person rather than one who is on the defensive and just looking for something to attack. Take a look at the links, do some googling, and make your own decisions. I own and use a USB DAC and I am pleased with the results, otherwise I would not have recommended it.

"Even the worst Wal-Mart Special is better than most computer drives due to interference from other components and feedback from power supplies, fans, computer monitors and the like."

What complete nonsense. A computer is capable of reading hundreds of megabytes of data from a CD-ROM with not a single bit error, yet it cannot read a music CD ?

Also, since USB is a packetized protocol, a USB DAC must perform buffering and reclocking of the data before presenting it to the DAC, and so if the USB DAC master clock is of sufficient quality jitter is almost entirely removed.

Technically a USB DAC is capable of exactly the same performance as any one or two-box CD player.
I asked you a specific question regarding the links you provided to Tubby. You specifically state that "They offer great performance". You go on to say "You own and use a USB DAC and I am pleased with the results". Okay, you don't say a thing about the actual DAC's you are speaking of and yet you recommend them. Based on your arguments of my review of the cables it sounds as if you are fluffing the capabilities of these DAC's without any substantiated evidence whatsoever. Maybe you just felt that these were a good product based on things you have heard and that others might want to take advantage of the same opportunity as you. Sound familiar yet? You have continued to voice your negative opinions towards my comments about W&M cables. Yet, in making your recommendations on the USB DAC's to Tubby you make no review whatsoever. Instead you state the same things that I have commented on several times in the last 24 hours which is to take things how you wish and do your own research. You know what, "I own and use interconnect cables and I am pleased with the results; otherwise I would not have recommended them. That is about as general comment as it gets. Do you mean to imply that using a specific cable brand is more important than using a specific brand of USB DAC. Your comment makes it sound as if by choosing any USB DAC, the consumer will be totally satisfied.

Your right, you made a point to single me out, making derogatory remarks about my comments calling them a big waste of space. Then you turn around and make the same type of comment within the same thread no less. There is no singling out or attacking taking place. I am just pointing out the same things that you did. Maybe you would care to remove your original remarks.

I am not going to even attempt to argue with Seandtaylor99 because unless he has a degree in electrical engineering focusing on computers and electronics his remarks have no merit whatsoever.

Let us compare our positions.

ME::::: I am not recommending a specific DAC. I am recommending that you explore the world of the USB DAC based on my positive experiences with it and the overwhelming support of it from many quarters. Take the time to google the topic and read. There is a preponderance of evidence out there that supports my position that a USB DAC can deliver fine sonic performance.

YOU::::: You are recommending that I buy a specific cable because you think it looks good.

I fail to see any relationship.

I may have been less than eloquent with my initial response but I spoke the truth. Give it up Bryan. Nobody agrees with you. You have been backed into a corner because you cannot possibly defend your initial post (buy this cable because it looks good) and like a cornered animal have taken to attacking everyone's position whatever it is no matter what merit it holds.

You spew a bunch of gibberish about computers and then dismiss seandtaylor because he didn’t back up his facts (yes, they are facts) with an engineering degree?? I am very sorry to see that this has deteriorated into a pissing contest but you offer nothing of consequence.

I believe I will move on.

What happens when and if you ever hook up these new W&M interconnects, give them proper break-in, and conclude that they sound like dog poop? Do you come back to this thread and state, "Well, I finally listened to these beautiful interconnects and they sound like cr#p. Even the cheapest Radio Shack ic's sound leaps and bounds better. However, because they are some of the most beautifully constructed interconnects I've ever seen, I still have to highly recommend them to all my fellow Audiogoners. Cheers!"