I'm with Bob in feeling that the ARC is a little more solid state sounding than the VTL. I make no comment as to whether that is good or bad it just is, both amps sound very good and compared to a true SS amp (a Pass labs Aleph in the comparison i did) the ARC still sounded much better IMO...a lot smoother top end. I use a pair of VTL 185 monos and the only thing i could see trading them for would be a pair of VTL 450 monos.
My gut feeling is that CMO may have a point as well. While i'm not sure i would use blown away as the comparitive term the ST-150 is at the lower end of the VTL line while the VT100 is setting much higher up in the food chain in the ARC line.
My gut feeling is that CMO may have a point as well. While i'm not sure i would use blown away as the comparitive term the ST-150 is at the lower end of the VTL line while the VT100 is setting much higher up in the food chain in the ARC line.