VTL IT-80 Question/any help appreciated

As a newbe, I am in the process of setting up a nice two channel system for a 12x20x8.5 living room in a apartment. I usually listen to vocal, rock and classical and low to medium volumes.

I am demoing a VTL IT85 along with my Spendor 1/2e s with a Yamaha CDP (which I need to upgrade). Its sounds excellent with a nice midrange and bass. Its also nice to have a compact chasis, remote and HT bypass. However, I've not have much to compare it to at home other than some old solid state. Is this a good integrated to start with and how much of a sonic difference would I get with the 2.5 and ST-85 seperates? Also, has anyone heard the biamp set up of the IT and the ST? VTL seems to be a quality company, just looking for some feedback on the IT-85 before I sink the $2750. Also, I've only seen it in black (which looks pretty good), is the silver a good color? Does anyone recommend speakers that work well with the IT-85?

Thanks for responding.
Thanks for the input. I'll probably do just that and start focusing on upgrading the CDP. Seems like enough power for now.
I listend to one about 3 years in my home when I was buying some new stuff. At the time I felt it was very good. I bought the 2.5 preamp and tiny triode monoblocks (no longer sold) since I felt they had a little more magic. They do not have as much power or bass so that is a draw back for me.

It seemed that the little monoblocks had a little better sound stage making the IT-85 sound flat.

I do not know if this was particular to my set up but that was my feeling at the time.

I would go with the integrated first and add the amp later if you need (want) more.