VTF measurments with a unipivot

I understand the VTF changes depending on the vertical position of a unipivot tonearm, and which way (up or down) in turn depends on the type of the unipivot (center of gravity in relation to the pivot point).

Can anyone clarify how the VTF changes in the VPI tonearms, specifically the Classic tonearm, i.e., whether the VTF increases or decreases as the tonearm is lowered? Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by brf

Don't you start with the manufacturer's suggested vtf and then adjust by ear? Why the need to know the exact vtf to the nth gram?
Since the difference in vtf between a 120g ad 180g record is less than 2% do we really care? Since VPI arms lack fine and repeatable vtf adjustment the issue becomes a moot point.
Actusreus, you can always measure the distance from the plinth to the record surface, take the platter off the table and build a platform out of playing cards to hold your digital scale to equal the playing surface height desired.

Not sure if there is a difference at starting at 1.75g or 1.78g when you will make the final adjustment by ear.

I any event, good luck. Time spent dialing in a cartridge yields great results, although sometimes, it can be very frustrating.