VTA Direcrtions

Can anyone tell me how to adjust the VTA? I have a VPI Superscoutmaster with the Nodost wired arm, and a Benz Ebony high output cart. I know how to physically raise/lower the arm while its playing, but don't know what to listen for to find the correct VTA. The directions say to start with the arm exactly parrellel to the record, and then adjust. Adjust to what?? Thanks
Updating the link due to a change in the website...

The best description I've ever found of what to listen for are those provided by Lloyd Walker for fine tuning your turntable. Since VTA and VTF interact, he recommends an iterative process of changing VTA, then VTF, and describes what to listen for:

Thank you for the Walkeraudio link... much appreciated... it is very helpful and I appreciate its attitude toward the subject and method!
The best description I've ever found of what to listen for are those provided by Lloyd Walker for fine tuning your turntable. Since VTA and VTF interact, he recommends an iterative process of changing VTA, then VTF, and describes what to listen for:

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