Thank you all for your responses. It should be mentioned that I wore out the set screw on my old Denon DP-60L because I fiddled with the VTA endlessly, and the only way to adjust it was to loosen the screw and raise and lower the arm column manually. Very hard to do in miniscule (and repeatable) increments, as I'm sure we all know. Eventually I ended up trying in vain to grip the sawed-off stub of a screw with my screwdriver. Little pliers didn't work either. Damn...
So that's all to let you know that this is a recurrence of a more long-standing chronic mental disorder. To get rid of it, I tried vaccinating myself with a phonograph needle, but all that did was make me talk all day long.
My next tonearm will have one of those digital readouts for VTA, and will be adjustable by remote control. The reason is that by then I will have completely destroyed my arthritic knees and ankles by jumping up and down from the couch to adjust VTA the old way.
Is all this worth it? All I can say is that when I hit that magic mark, it sounds *so* good. Knees? We don't need no steenkin' knees!
So that's all to let you know that this is a recurrence of a more long-standing chronic mental disorder. To get rid of it, I tried vaccinating myself with a phonograph needle, but all that did was make me talk all day long.
My next tonearm will have one of those digital readouts for VTA, and will be adjustable by remote control. The reason is that by then I will have completely destroyed my arthritic knees and ankles by jumping up and down from the couch to adjust VTA the old way.
Is all this worth it? All I can say is that when I hit that magic mark, it sounds *so* good. Knees? We don't need no steenkin' knees!