VPI TNT MkIII - pluses and minuses?

I'm considering a used VPI TNT MkIII. The seller says it was produced between '95-'98. I know nothing about VPI tables. What should be the reasonable value of such a VPI table that's reported to be in excellent condition?

And could the potential performance of the VPI MkIII be exceeded or equaled by current model TT's selling at the market value of the used VPI TNT MkIII?

Thanks in advanced for the assist!

Showing 4 responses by frogman

The choice of platter, if one were to upgrade, may be limited by the cutout in your plinth. IOW, not very platter is an option for every TNT. I have seen Mk3's with Delrin/lead insert platters, not the Delrin/aluminum sandwich. I would also be careful about the description of the aluminum platter being "less colored". Leaner than the Delrin or acrylic platters, but that is assuming that one considers the weightier sound of the other platters to be wrong; I don't.

French_fries, my TNT6 is actually a hybrid with a MK5 platter as Brf suggests. For whatever it is worth, and to go back to the issue of the aluminum platter's sound, according to Mike at VPI the MK5 platter is "along with the Super-platter, the best they ever made".
I own a TNT6, and think it is a fine turntable, and have always liked the sound of TNT's in general, when well set-up. I strongly urge you to go to Audioasylum.com, and in the "Vinyl" page search for "TNT tri-pulley"; much info that you should be aware of. Good luck.