VPI record clamp

I'm a new owner of a slighty used VPI Scoutmaster. After reviewing the manual I'm unsure if I am using the stock record clamp correctly. When I screw it onto the spindle the bottom portion of the clamp seems to angle depending on where the clamp is on the spindle. As I tighten it down, the record warps a bit, then starts to flatten out. When I get the record perfectly flat on the outside edge, the center is not flat. Am I doing something wrong, or is this how the clamp is supposed to work?


Showing 1 response by arnold_layne

I guess I should have mentioned the rubber washer is there. Just not satisfied wtih the way the clamp works. If it's supposed to work that way I guess it's ok, but I'd like the record to be completely flat. Flat on the edge is fine, but then it's not flat towards the center with the clamp. Guess I'll start looking for a second hand HRX ring set.