VPI or Pro-ject

I'm looking at getting a new turntable and considering either a Pro-ject or VPI.
I had a Rega P3 and just sold it.

I'm looking at possibly the VPI Prime or Pro-ject Extension 10.
I use a Devialet 200 for the rest of the duties.

I'm no expert in turntables so I'm seeking advice. I'm open to other models in either of these two brands but those examples are about how much I want to spend.

Advice please, thanks, Bill

Showing 3 responses by danzspkrman

Have to add something else, I have a Soundsmith AIDA on our Prime that is outstanding. If you are not feeling the almost 2k investment, try out the Carmen... It too is an outstanding choice(about $800) The Ortophon 2M black is killer too, only $800 or so too. 
Many good responses, just had to put my thought in... Above all trust your ears. Having heard BOTH the Project and the VPI Prime I love them both, but the things that led me to the VPI was the outstanding customer support, upgradable features that table has such as the SDS, outer ring and pulley changes that make it put it on IMHO as a poor man's HRX. They are now over 10k. 
As far as sound if you haven't heard the Project, expect a very good wide deep soundstage and very warm articulate sound if you use the package that includes the very good Blackbird or celebration cartridge. The very rich sound is also complemented by the very classy wood plinth and built in speed control. The Project offers more of a closed end upgrade path than the VPI. Still a solid choice but I hated the wall wart power supply( sonically reasonable but seems cheap for a 4K turntable). All other things equal, it is otherwise well deserving of a very fine rig. 
I fell in love with the Prime after owning a Classic 1 and wanting the 3D arm. IMHO the VPI arm blows away the Project arm that comes on the Extension table in every way in terms of resolution extension and outright liquidity of the music flow. I heard the Blackbird on that table too. Add the SDS or Eagle power supply and your rig will be in the same class as setups costing 10k or more. The VPI will have an even bigger soundstage and more slam in the lower registers without any bloat at all. The Project will sound a little more rounded but still full and slightly warmer. VPI is even working on options of adding a second arm on this table just like the newly released Avenger. I think you would have a hard time going wrong with either one. Which ever one you choose enlist the help of a decent dealer, they will know how to get the most music out of your investment. Hope this helps🎶🎶🎶
Extension puts you into the 5k area.....still VERY nice. and a rare extended version of the EVO 12inch arm is standard......LOVE the classy finishes on both the extension 10 and 12. If you go for these...the 'superpack' with the Celebration II cartridge is a good value too.