I run a Grado Sonata (list: $500) on my Aries / JMW 10.5 and there is absolutely no mismatch (arm mass is not an issue). The combo works wonderfully and is sold a lot by Lyric in NYC. I note that one of my closest friends runs a Van den hul Frog on his TNT / JMW 10 set up. Real care must be exercised with arm mass and that cartridge, but his set up works / sounds fantastic (although George Stanwick, the U.S. distributor of Vdh, cautions that the tone arm mass of the JMW 10 is at the outer limit of what the Frog can jump (couldn't resist). But your question pertains to a Grado. P.S. I first ran the Grado on a JMW 10, and it worked great as well.
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