VPI JMW 12.7 Spindle/pivot distance

I purchased a new VPI JMW 12.7 Tonearm and I intend to install on my Micro Seiki RX-1500G.
I appreciate if someone can give me the distance between the pivot and spindle, since the VPI provides no info on her Tonearms which is a shame on the contrary unlike other top manufacturers that provide this type of information that is crucial.

Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by xupakabras

I live in the Azores / Portugal already contacted three dealers in Europe and say that VPI does not provide this kind of information which is ridiculous compared to other major manufacturers of arms that has all the information on their websites.
Already called several times without success for the VPI and have already sent an email, I am awaiting response.
I still think that it makes no sense to have a new arm inside the box and not being able to use it only because is not available in VPI website a simple information that is the distance between the spindle and the pivot for a JMW 12.7 tonearm and has now also should have to for JMW 10.5i and JMW 12.6 because there are many people like me who use VPI arms to install on other turntables.
I have a JMW 10.5i a latest version JMW 12.6 and now a JMW 12.7
These Tonearms are my favorites along with my Tri-Planar VII uii
You're right.

On 18/02/2010 I asked the VPI this information:

"I have a new JMW 12.6 and wanted to install in a Micro Seiki RX-1500
Please can you provide the following specifications:

Effective length
Pivot-to-spindle distance
Offset angle
Effective mass"

Their response:

"The pivot to spindle distance is 300mm. The other parameters are not available as the computer they are on is being repaired. The alignment jig supplied with the arm will give you excellent results"

Does anyone believe this response ... I see no problem in providing this type of information ... Virtually all Tonearms manufacturers make this information available on their websites.

I am very grateful Actusreus for wanting to help me, but finally VPI responded to me.
According to VPI "the 12.7 geometry requires a mounting distance of spindle to pivot of 298-299 mm. Spindle to center of mounting is 265mm the pivot point is offset and is not where the mounting is".

Now I am even more confused because someone who has a dedicated Wallytractor for VPI JMW 12 tonearm series reported the following:

"The effective length is 315mm; pivot-to-spindle distance 302.1mm for JMW 12, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7 Tonearms"

Something is wrong here a difference of 1mm is not critical but 3/4mm difference is relevant.

Anyway since the VPI provides no information on its website here are the information to someone who needs them ... They are not accurate but better than nothing.