VPI HW17 vs Loricraft PRC4 Deluxe

So, I have been rolling along for years quite happily with my VPI HW17.  I am aware of its "issues" (noise and the danger that the velvet pad on the vacuum bar will trap and smear dirt). But I clean LPs in my basement, far from either of my audio systems and where noise is not an issue, and I take precautions to avoid the velvet pad problem.  Recently, however, I have been offered the opportunity to pick up the Loricraft at a very nice price, I must admit I am tempted, even though I was not shopping for a new RCM, at all.  This is an appeal to anyone out there who has some experience with both machines or who has a reasoned opinion; should I go for the Loricraft?  I would then have to sell my HW17, and I don't look forward to the issues associated with doing that.  I tried out the Loricraft last night; it's got it's own set of quirks for sure.


Showing 2 responses by moonglum

If the VPI 17 is anything like the 16.5 it’s a no-brainer Lew.

The VPIs tend to be multi-groove whereas the Loris are focussed and do a much better extraction job. They are also reasonably quick (although possibly not quick-er... ;^)

(At the same time I freely acknowledge that the VPIs are excellent machines and do a first-class job!)


Yes, if I were choosing a new RCM with no financial limit it would be the KL Audio ultrasonic machine.  It is one of the most expensive machines on the market however.

Having said this, the Loricraft should suit your purposes because it is more thorough. The fact that you personally feel it offers a step up from the VPI is  a more decisive factor.