VPI HW17 vs Loricraft PRC4 Deluxe

So, I have been rolling along for years quite happily with my VPI HW17.  I am aware of its "issues" (noise and the danger that the velvet pad on the vacuum bar will trap and smear dirt). But I clean LPs in my basement, far from either of my audio systems and where noise is not an issue, and I take precautions to avoid the velvet pad problem.  Recently, however, I have been offered the opportunity to pick up the Loricraft at a very nice price, I must admit I am tempted, even though I was not shopping for a new RCM, at all.  This is an appeal to anyone out there who has some experience with both machines or who has a reasoned opinion; should I go for the Loricraft?  I would then have to sell my HW17, and I don't look forward to the issues associated with doing that.  I tried out the Loricraft last night; it's got it's own set of quirks for sure.


Showing 2 responses by ekimg

Thanks Lewm.  The unit I purchased came with 3 vacuum tubes, labeled 1-3.  The previous owner apparently used a three step cleaning process, switching out the tubes for each cleaning step.  Not sure I will have that level of patience....maybe 2?  Anyway, thanks for your input, it makes sense to keep the tubes as clean as possible.  I am going to fire up the HW17F this weekend for the first time and look forward to hearing some clean vinyl!  (I used a Spin Clean prior to this, and believe or not, it seemed to make my records worse...more static, etc?)
Hey Lewm:  can you expand on what you see as the vacuum velvet pad "issue," and what precautions you take regarding this?  I just purchased a used HW17 and need to develop my cleaning technique.  Thanks!