VPI Flywheel with Aries Turntable - Help

I recently added the VPI flywheel to my Aries turntable setup (Aries w/ JMW-10, SDS, and Benz-Micro H2O). When using the flywheel, I notice a distinct increase in what sounds like record surface noise (ticks and pops). This occurs at regular intervals. I can only assume it is from the flywheel. I have tried all combinations of grounding the flywheel and tonearm to the AC outlet, my phono preamp grounding post, all to no avail. When I remove the flywheel from the system, things return to normal. Very Strange. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Showing 1 response by chazzbo

I have an extended Aries with the bearing upgrade.Not sure if it's the extended nature or the bearing being top of the line or what but a tech who has always pointed me right in the past said that you shouldn't used the flywheel with MY table.I'd call and ask to speak with the head tech and ask what the deal is.If you just have to spend money with them (which is great beacuse they do back their stuff up and are a great company to deal with) get the SDS controller.That's my next move.