VPI classic to ClearAudio maximum solution

I seek guidance regarding the upgrade path for my analogue setup. Presently  I have VPI Classic I (with SDS)/ JMW 10.5i / Dynavector xv-1s output to Coincident phono stage to Coincident  Line stage.

My present setup lacks on-the-fly VTA adjustability and I have decided to upgrade total setup. VPI offers a cost prohibitive VTA tower upgrade and most VPI experts (..dealers ) recommended not to go that route and upgrade total setup instead. I am tempted to do so. 

My present setup is sonically fine (...or so I believe as I don't have any reference to compare to). This is my first analogue setup which I have had for almost 6 years and I don't have any local means to compare to what is out there. Moreover Simple A/B is not practical and is inconclusive as there are just too many variables (phono/table/arm/cartridge/speakers/room/listening preference...) in an analogue system. My personal listening preference is to have a linear, dynamic, faster sounding, tonally correct (& not thin sounding) and musically engaging setup. 

I have an opportunity to purchase Clearaudio Maximum solution with Phantom II arm and Benz Micro Gullwing. I can imagine this is apples and oranges comparison given very different retail prices for these two setups. 

Financials aside, my question is… If I change to clearaudio setup what sonic differences I should expect compared to VPI Classic? Also, with clearaudio setup, between dynavector xv-1s vs benz micro, which should be more compatible /cartridge of choice or how these differ sonically in general ? I am not sure if there is a general house sound to VPI vs Clearaudio and Dyanvector vs Benz. 

Obviously, I am not looking for a definite answer as there are million variables, but any insight regarding these two choices would be helpful. Especially some fortunate long time members have gone through "been there done that" with several options and can sprinkle their knowledge in this thread. Thanks. 


Showing 1 response by creativepart

I had a Classic Anniversary - before they called it the Classic 1. I also had an SDS. I found the SDS wasn't really needed for the Classic to remain on speed. So, I sold that.

After 12 years, I decided to buy a brand new Rega P3 when they were revised about a 18 months ago.

To my surprise I enjoyed it better than the Classic. There was nothing wrong with the Classic (Dynavector 20XL2) it just seemed stodgy... kind of boring maybe. The Rega was the polar opposite of the Classic. But it made listening to music FUN!
So, I sold the Classic and the P3 and bought a new Rega Planar 8 about 8 months ago. I love it. Again, the opposite of the Classic - light where the Classic is heavy - effortless where the Classic is ponderous.

I assume the Classic was a "better" TT but just not FUN. The Rega P8 is all of that.
I can't comment on the new rig you're looking at but it's fun to change things up.
After the P8 came home I decided to change everything up this year and bought a new integrated Amp, new DAC, new Streamer, and new speakers, too. It's been a fun year. The only thing I didn't change was my EAR 834p Phone Pre w/Bob's Devices SUT.