vpi classic

First hello everyone ,I've been away awhile .

      I'm interested in upgrading my cartridge a Benz micro mc, my system is a moderate system by gon standard.
VPI classic jmw memorial arm ,Acoustic Zen adagios, Sunfire subs ,Nu Vista integrated, Musical Fidelity phono amp mc or mc with multiple mc settings . Acoustic Zen cables and speaker cables in a  acoustically treated dedicated room (16'x24' x10') .with more digital gear, but  this is my analog section.

      I am willing to spend up to say $1,500 ,but much to many here's discomfort I would spend up to say grand on a used cartridge from a solid gon member . I know so many here swap them like tic tacs . I know the routine of fears with buying used , that said I have made some great scores here. I'm looking for weight compatabilty ,sound and overall performance for the money.

Thank you all


Showing 15 responses by oleschool

I was super fortunate and scored a van den Hul Colibri XGM
with 100 hrs from a great member here .I am quite stoked and will install shortly
I see the add from kron for 1300.00 I am not familiar with this cartridge ? impressions ? are you in usa and what was your shipping time and experience ?
I understand on the phono section( musical fidelity mxvynl),I purchased it because it had a variable mm/mc gain which I liked .I think it was like 1200bks for whatever thats worth  lol. I do like to adjust the gain to hear difference and find the cartridge I was going to settle in with then swap it . what are you thinking as a reasonable upgrade if I get the art 9
I am gonna grab the art 9 I think ,I remember so many comments on it performance.I want to be clear on purchasing the correct one .I see it on music direct and the above link . is there a new version that is different ? I want to be sure to get the correct one .
thank you everyone

The flagship is out of my wheelhouse honestly. The cheaper models are more doable . Have you seen the bel canto phono 3 with the 12 v external supply ? thats around $2500.00. Honestly I would like to buy a used section from a gon member who rotates often . I think I could get a 4k section for $1500-2000 pretty easy .
Thank you for your links ,I did see the Van den hull. my Benz is a med output ace . its 10 yrs old and I have the funds to upgrade a little so I was asking opinions. As for impressions or tonal improvements I would enjoy ? again across the board really, a more crisp low end with more soundstage in general. Highs I battle already in this room and have treated it quite a bit. That said the ace was what a 800 dollar cartridge?. My thoughts on a slightly used piece is, I just honestly get time anymore to sit and listen to  no more then maybe 5-10 albums max a week so burn in of a 100 hrs on some cartridges will take me forever and I can also get a great value here due to peoples constant changes and upgrades. I'm a middle of the road guy here so scoring a couple thousand dollar cartridge used that will function on my jmw arm( nice to me but I know is limited) is a good day . 
Thank you for your time and advice 
jjss49I would like more across the board in my analog sound ,my Benz is getting old . my digital setup out performs it ,obviously its punchy and digital but I never felt it was were i wanted it in general
Thanks for the input ,quite awhile back a well known gon guy I believe oregonpapa raved over a audio technica I believe not available in usa , but was ordered by many . I will have to search in my archive 
I'm interested in your thoughts on the phono stage recommendation?
I am a fan of used here so lets say 1200-1500 used ? I have heard great things about the bel canto ? I know its not tube ,I used a canto d/a and love it . oneday  I will go VAC , I almost have twice ,but I have a car and motorcycle fetish too oh and guitars lol
I understand the canto is not tube.Have you had the chance to audition or have any experience with the EAT  Jo number 5 cartridge ? it seems like quite the cartridge .
I saw that ,now ya got me thinking lol. if i'm buying a new cartridge there always around but this is not . decisions decisions lol.Its definitely shooting outside my range though but doable. This hobby is for the big dogs,im like a ADD puppy