VPI cartirdge alignment?

I took possession of a new VPI Classic and (unmounted) Soundsmith Zepher MKIII. While mounting the cartridge I found that the wire connectors coming out of the arm are so long, that once installed on the cartridge pins, they interfere with the arm tube at the back of the headshell.  WTF!  I simply cannot get proper cartridge alignment because of this interference!!

I hate the idea of cutting into new wires and trying to shorten or modify the connectors.  VPI's suggestion was to use a spacer under the headshell to gain some clearance (and by the way they have never heard of this happening before).  Again, WTF..... I thought the Soundsmith was designed to work with the VPI?  Actually I don't see how any cartridge could align properly on this arm with the supplied wires/connectors unless the cartridge aligned at the very front of the headshell.  Alignment on the Zepher occurs about midway back in the headshell......interference!!!

Anyone had this issue with a new VPI arm/wiring/connectors?

Thanks in advance all.

Showing 3 responses by wec56

The "clips" are actually push-on connectors which terminate the tone arm wires.  They push on to the contact pins coming out of the cartridge.  Even pushed all the way on the contact pins the connectors interfere with the arm tube while aligning the cartridge.  The wires are hanging to the side of the headshell.

So re-terminating the clips sounds like the way to go.  Or if I get brave I'll cut back the insulation a bit and see if I can cut or grind the connect a bit shorter.  I've never had this much trouble trying to mount a cartridge.

Thanks all...
Hey testpilot.....the cartridge pins are fairly short.  It's the connectors on the end of the wiring that are about 1/2" long and fairly solid.  Like extreme overkill on the connectors.  I'll peal back the insulation and see if I can shorten the connectors some how.  Will advise...
Thanks all for the feedback.  In "modifying" the connectors I broke one completely off at the wire, so, I'm going to take the arm to a local shop and have all 4 wires re-terminated.  I don't have the eyes or tools to do it myself.  I'm still stoked about my VPI.  Look for my report once I'm up and running!