VPI Avenger

I had the pleasure of hearing this table in 6 different rooms at RMAF, and it sounds and looks beautiful.
Are there any owners of this table that could share their thoughts? I'm seriously considering ordering one. I have the original Classic TT and want to move up the VPI line.

Showing 1 response by turntablemat

Full disclosure,  this is Mat from VPI.

I'm not in front of a computer and haven't had a chance to read the full response but I need to respond to this motor claim. From Scout on up (Avenger... Titan) the motors are all made in America. The Chinese slanderous comments were started by a competing company and they are totally false. We value our company and I don't believe in PR firms or PR people. Tried that once and the guy was full of it!

I got into this industry because of family and the loses we faced and try to be true to myself and our customers. I wear my heart on my sleeve with VPI, I can't do anything upon how that passion is perceived by others.