VPI 3D tonearm

Anyone using it yet?

Showing 5 responses by zenblaster


Could you explain why this is a 'cynical exercise in marketing hype'?
It appears to be taking advantage of the cutting edge engineering technology that's available.
Unless you know something you haven't disclosed the only thing cynical appears to be your post.

With all due respect,
If this VPI 3D tonearm turns out to sound 'wonderful' as some here are eager to conclude........be aware that you could have been listening to EXACTLY the same tonearm, manufactured by 20th century methods 25 years ago!?

The same could be said about every new tonearm and turntable.

Sweating, brazing, threading parts do not make a one piece tonearm.

I still don't see it as anymore cynical than when Corvette went to plastic bodies.

Thanks for the 3d primer, very informative.

I am perfectly happy with my current tonearms and have zero interest in purchasing this one.
I hope I am always behind the person or company that puts its own money behind new products and innovations and lets the market determine its success or failure. Where you see cynicism I see the American Dream.
If Continuum HAD in fact developed the first 3D printed tonearms......Harry Weisfeld would look pretty silly making such a 'song and dance' about it 10 years down the track?!
You obviously have a underlying resentment towards all things VPI/Harry Weisfeld. Could you please clarify your past experiences with Harry/VPI so that we can put a proper perspective on your comments. You are a much smarter man than me based on your years of comments here but even I can see through your veiled arguments.
Dear Halcro,
First, thanks for the advice, I am always looking to transcend my shortcomings and sometimes the best observations come from the most curious places. I could have worded my post better, no antagonism was intended.

This quote:
I have zero experience with VPI products or Harry Weisfeld and consequently have no opinion on them one way or the other.
puts your previous posts into proper perspective.