VPI 3D arm

Is the VPI 3D arm considered a high-mass arm?

Showing 8 responses by drewmb1

Alas,  It now cost me  $211.43 shipping included.  Oh, that's presuming they do decide to ship it.  I ordered it on a Friday it's now Wednesday and they still haven't shipped it.  I did call to find out why and was told that Matt Weisfeld is the only one who can do shipping papers.  Apparently, this is why things get shipped from there at a snail-like pace.  I've been in manufacturing all of my adult life and most things don't need the owners approval to ship.  That's generaly why people have shipping departments (with computers).
I'm referring to Stringreen's comment.  It has always been purported that the 3d arm and the classic metal are interchangeable.   Not so without changing out the pivot piece which VPI is theoretically selling me should they decide to ship it.  Hope springs eternal. 
Yes, you are correct.  It's actually that the damping well interferes with the 3d arm.
I am excited about using my 3d arm though, presuming VPI can get the owner to approve a shipping ticket...........
Actually, it's not the dual pivot.  It's the sharp pointy pivot point minus the  damping well as stated above.  Nice try though....
Hey, we are getting so close to them shipping......  It's only been 1 1/2 weeks and counting to ship a 1 pound package.  It could happen!
Wow, why didn't I think of that?  Oh, that's right, I remember now.  I did.  It's not a stock item.  Once again, nice try.