Vote best of these 7 CDP's

Greetings! I would like to obtain opinion of experienced Audiogoners re: the following CDP's-- vote for the one you would purchase! Rate for redbook.
1. Sony SCD-1
2. Resolution Audio 55
3. Audio Aero Prima
4. Audiomecca Mephisto 2
5. Simaudio Nova
6. Meridian 508.24
7. Vecteur L-4
You may note these are 2k-ish and below-- that is my budget.
The rest of my system:
Proac 1SC with Target R4, MIT 770 twin biwire, MIT 350 reference ultralinear, Spectral DMA 90, Camelot Uther mk2., Genesis digital Lens, Illuminations d60, Kimber AGDL XLR, Chang lightspeed 3200 (x2), Townshend audio seismic sinks, PS Audio Lambda.
thanks for your input!

Showing 3 responses by snook2

Audio Aero Capitole II is more transparent and musical than the audiomeca. These are the only 2 I am familiar with and continue to own the Audio Aero
I have to agree with golden ears. If your are going to spend that much money you should definitely demo them or at least get a loaner. Other things to consider if you need a player with volume controls if you are not using a preamp. System matching, audiomeca Mephisto II may not have enough gain with certain preamps.
I believe people were trying to help you from making an expensive mistake. Enjoy your cdplayer