Voodoo/Tsunami Power Cords

For the sake of trying to keep this simlple here's what happened: I made a cable switch. I removed the Tsumani from the cd player and put in in the amp, and took the Voodoo from the amp and put it into the cd player. The difference in the sound is really astounding (for the better). My question is this: what cable change was most likely to have caused this effect? Any help/answers would be most welcome. (oh well... cd player/Simaudio Moon Nova; amp/Gryphon Callisto 2100)
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Showing 1 response by ozfly

That's interesting. I just read an ad here on the Gon that also claims the Voodoo sounds great on cd players. Since front ends are, I believe, most sensitive to cables, I'd guess the Voodoo change was the key. If you had another cable, even the stock, you might be able to tell with more certainty by switching them around. Keep the stock on the power amp and switch the Tsunami and Voodoo on the cd player. Then reverse it.

One thing for sure, you are onto a very inexpensive tweak. Thanks for sharing.