Von Schweikert vs Wilson

Ayone compare VSA VR-4SR mkIII or VR-5Anniversary with Wilson Watt/Puppy 8? I have a 20' x 14.5' x 8' room. My system consists of:
-CJ CT-5 preamp
-Spectron Premiere 7 Power Amp
-Whest PS.30r Phono/modified VPI HW-19 MkIV TT/Ortofon Jubilee
-McIntosh MVP-871 player-modified by The Upgade Company
-all tied together with Transparent Ultra and Crystal Cable Standard.
I like all music except country and rap/hiphop. Strong tight and deep base with excellent dimension.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by orpheus10

I spent many glorious evenings at a fellow audiophiles home who owned the VR-4s. I consider them among the best sounding speakers I have ever heard.
While I realy enjoyed his music, I decided to bring some of my music over. Although the VR4s created a holographic soundstage, I discovered they were slightly "euphonic" compared to my speakers. They made the music he liked sound even better, while they shaved a bit of realism off my music.
For example "Charles Mingus; Pithcanthrapus Erectus" sounds like an angry elephant screaming through the jungle. The elephant sounds like "Gabriel" blowing his horn on the VR4s. (exageration for the point)
The speakers that are perfect for your music will not be perfect for mine. Take your 5 favorite CDs and audition, audition, audition.