Von Schweikert VR5SE / Aerial 20T V2 ?

I have at the moment the Eggleston Andra II, I want to change
by Areial 20T V2 or Von Schweikert VR5SE anyone heard and compare them?
The System: the emm labs TDS1/DAC2 and Viola Bravo/Spirito amps/preamps and alls cable Purist anniversary.

Thank you for yours answers threads.

Showing 5 responses by mmike84

I've heard both and they are both world class and have a lot of similarities. The 20t probably comes off as being a bit larger which could be a consideration if you're listening room is big. Ultimately the best choice would come down to synergism with your other components, and your personal preferences. I would strongly suggest listening to both in your set up. That's really the only way to tell.
Fredrick21 makes great comments but I thought I would add to his concern over the directionalness (is that even a word?) of the 20t because I think it is overstated. In other words they'll take your breath away in the sweet spot which is and they'll sound great everywhere else. You know I heard that comment about the Vandersteen 5as I almost bought before the 20ts and then I realized I sit in that location anyway so who cares. Then I tried it and it was no big deal. That's not to say it won't bother you, but that's my experience.
I didn't buy the 5a's, I instead went for the 20t's. However one of the comments people often make about the 5a's is they are directional, same for the 20t's. I would guess those comments are overstated in both instances. I mentioned it because it kept me from buying the Vandersteens, and I think some put too much emphasis on it. As far as whether the Vandersteens are in fact directional, I am not a good resource as I've never lived with them.
Scott- You may also be considering 20t's wondering if there is something wrong with them, or if I've found something better? There isn't and I have not.
Downsizing. At their price point I doubt they can be beat. They are as good as it gets!