the original vr4s sound bigger and more enveloping than the jrs, with more low end extension and a broader soundstage (although the jrs are scarcely deficient on either count). i haven't heard the (considerably pricier) vr5hse enough to comment. at their current used price (i often see 'em around $1500 or less), the vr4s are a helluva speaker; you'd need to spend a lot more to get better.
Von Schweikert VR4 vs later models?
I have the opportunity to purchase a pair of VR4 generation 1 speakers and am curious to those who have had the experience with how they sound in comparison to later model VS that I am familiar with; specifically the VR4 Jrs and VR5HSE. I've never heard the VR4s before but every review is glowing with some preferring them to later models. Any caveats on their purchase?