Carl: I have heard the VR-1, 2, and 4SE. I have not heard the 3. But to ask which is better is almost like asking is a Lexus sport car or a Hummer better? They are entirely different and individual tastes, preferences, and needs will dictate which is better. The VR line is authoritative, yet smooth and has very good imaging. However, I have not yet experienced a dynamic driver system that has the "magic" of planers when everything is right. The planers have a phenominal midrange--vocals can seem almost real. When you get into very expensive speakers, some dynamic drivers can create the magic--some planer systems can have "authority", but at realistic price points and speaker size there is always some give and take. Only you can decide which speakers are right for you.
von schweikert vr3 or magnepan 12qr
Have had mags for about year and a half sound fantastic,nice mids and highs, bass sounds good but no authority.My den, which is my listing room is 11 feet wide by 13 long, eight foot high ceiling.Using anthem mca 2 power amp 200 watts per small mod with silver core wire research ls3,HK 710 as transport msb link dac 3 with tributaries digital link between trasnport and dac,also 1 ohm resistor in mags to smooth out tweeters.Also using old luxman 289 tt and yamaha ct 800 fm tuner.Have been reading alot of reviews about vr3.Have not had a chance to listen to them, could anybody give an oppinion on which is realy better? THANKS CARL
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