I've owned the S 3/5 and auditioned the VR1. I regret selling the Spendors. They are very nice sounding spks. Very inefficient. However, their new retail price is way too high. I think for less $ I'd look elsewhere. If you're able to find a used Tannoy MX1-M do not hesitate. These spks. are bargins and sound fantastic. I'll never depart w/my pr. You might want to look into Usher S-520. I've heard extreme praise for these spks. (New $400 retail) Spendor makes a larger bookshelf spk. The 3/1. Larger, more dynamic and easiler to drive. If you're having doubts about the VR1 now, get something else. Bill
Von Schweikert VR1 against Spendor 3.5
I think this 2 of the best mini monitors under 2000, Im trying to decide for one so any help would be great.
My system is all tube, power CJMV50, pre SFL-1, CD Rotel 991, and DAC CAL Alpha.
I used to have a pair of Triangle Celius 202, the 2 year old series not the new one. And my system lacked of musicality and soundstage. Now, I have tried the Vr1s and IM impressed with the soundstage and depth. But I think I have lost some dynamics. I can notice listening to rock.
I havent listen to Spendor because here in Peru we dont have autorized dealer. So any help to decide between the Vr1s and the Spendor 3.5 is greatly apreciated.
I think this 2 of the best mini monitors under 2000, Im trying to decide for one so any help would be great.
My system is all tube, power CJMV50, pre SFL-1, CD Rotel 991, and DAC CAL Alpha.
I used to have a pair of Triangle Celius 202, the 2 year old series not the new one. And my system lacked of musicality and soundstage. Now, I have tried the Vr1s and IM impressed with the soundstage and depth. But I think I have lost some dynamics. I can notice listening to rock.
I havent listen to Spendor because here in Peru we dont have autorized dealer. So any help to decide between the Vr1s and the Spendor 3.5 is greatly apreciated.