Von Schweikert VR-4SR or Revel Ultima Studio 1

Which should I get to replace my B&W N802. VSA VR-4SR v1, v2 or Revel Ultima Studio v1?
Thank you

Showing 2 responses by swanny76109

VS speakers are all extremely musical in my experience. I think "musical" (IMHO) generally means revealing and detailed but not at the expense of excessive analytical qualities. The OP was asking about the VR 4 Sr, not the JR. My experience with the VR4 SR Mk II is exactly that of Zman's experience above. Extremely non fatiguing and wonderful midrange for vocals, esp female vocals. Magical and captivating. And musical. But to the OP, please tell us about the rest of your equipment and provide more information that may help the rest of us help you.
Nice system, but I have no first hand experience with these components. You could call Von Schweikert and see what they recommend speaker wise. I know they use AP wiring inside the speakers, so your speaker cables are already on track! I run a Pass XP10 into Bel Canto Ref 1000 mk II. These speakers can take the power and are easy to drive without strain. Your amps should work great with them.