Von Schweikert DB99 or Vandersteen 5A ??

Dealers in my area don't carry these models.

I'm sure they're both excellent, but how about some feedback from folks that heard both or owners of either ?

Showing 4 responses by samcclark

Thought I might try to revive this thread as I'm pondering the same decision - DB99/5a/(Verity Parsifal?). My room is 18x30 with wood floors and lots of glass, also open to other areas. Currently have an Art Audio Jota 24w SET (no preamp, running direct from Modwright 3910) and Devore Gibbon Super 8 speakers. Listen to everything but lean towards acoustic, jazz, world, classical, not a lot of cheese grater guitar/hair band stuff. But would like to crank up Steely Dan/The Band/Raindogs sometimes. System sounds a little boxed in and congested at times so I'm thinking about a larger speaker. I'm also considering the new Verity Parsifal Ovation. My one concern about the VS DB99 is that I heard it can sound forward. My Jota/Gibbon combo certainly couldn't be accused of being laid back (it doesn't feel like a mid-hall presentation to me) and I wouldn't want any more of the InYourFace quality. I'm aware that the Vandersteen 5a would require an amp change also. I'll be able to audition the 5a but not the DB99 or Parsifal (short of a couple of plane rides). Any wisdom out there (I'm sure there is)? Thanks
Thanks everyone for the responses - they are very helpful. I wonder if the DB-99 is a compromise between the performance of the Parsifal in the mids and upper ranges, and the 5a in the bass? I'm also wondering whether the DB-99 is more susceptible to line noise - I have a tubed CDP and a tube amp (no preamp but if I added one I was thinking of a tubed preamp). I do have 2 dedicated lines but I've had to roll some tubes to reduce tube hiss.
As for bass, I'd rather have a tight 35 Hz than a sloppy 20 - how does the Parsifal sound down to its dropoff point? Maybe I'd better find a pair of Verity and VSA to audition somewhere.
Another question for the experienced: will my large room mitigate any tendency of the DB99 to sound forward (my term)? It sounds like the consensus is that the DB99 is a lively speaker - "lively" sounds appealing, "forward" not so appealing.
Thanks for keeping the thread alive.
Thanks - again, a lot of useful information. I can't find anybody within a couple of hours of driving (from Ann Arbor MI, 50 miles west of Detroit) who has a DB99 to audition. My local VSA dealer offered me a reasonable price if I committed to the DB99 so that he'd get to hear them. A little bit frustrating.
Has anybody compared the Verity Parsifal Ovation to the VSA DB99? I suspect the Parsifal might need more than the 24w from my Jota. Sounds like the Parsifal is really smooth though.
So NOW my local dealer says he can get a DB99 demo in after CES. Am I obligated to but from him (I'd say not necessarily)? I also just heard about a new horn/hybrid from Consonance:
Any thoughts? I'm happy to keep drinking from the wisdom pool out there.