Von Scheikert VR4jr in a small room .

I just heard these speakers and really liked them . I compared them to Usher 6311 and the VS. came out way ahead . I also auditioned the VS. VR2's . They were good but did not seem to have the same presence and body of the jr.'s . Probably due to the decreased base .
My problem is that my listening room is only 10ft. X 11ft. I have things set-up on a diagonal so as not to suffer the anomolies of a small square room .
Has anyone tried the JR.'s in a room of this size and done well with them ?
Any suggestions ?
Thank you .
That room is most likely too small for the VR2s or the VR4jrs. Firing them down the diagonal is the right thing to do but in that room you'll probably never realize their full potential.

Try some quality two way monitors for an in home audition if you can.
room size is why i didn't go with the 4jr's. Ended up with Gallo Ref 3's in an 11X12.
I had the same issue with a room 10' x 13' with vaulted ceilings and a bookshelf on the long wall. I liked the sound of the VS so much that I got the VR-1s and added an REL sub. I love the soundstaging and the high frequencies are excellent.
Dlwask ; You think that the VR2's are too big ? Have you tried them ? I did not find them to have nearly as much base as the jr.'s . Has any one else tried the VR2's in a room of this size ?

Bgrazman : I actually auditioned the Gallo Ref. 3.1 at the same time as the VS. I really wanted to like them . But I could not . They seemed quite congested and did not have any detail . The shop owner stated that they probably had 400 or 500 hours on them . They were driven by a Cary 50 watt hybrid amp and a CJ Pre as were the VS.'s .

Tgrisham ; What do you think that you have lost with the VR1's as compared to the larger VR2's or the JR.'s ?

I forgot to mention that my room is carpeted , contains an overstuffed leather chair, a leather foot stool , one low dresser and some 8th Nerve room treatments . I am presently using Soliloquy 6.2i floor standers with good results . I am looking for more resolution , hense the change .

Any one else ?