Volume Settings/Control - DAC vs Preamp?

I have a Bluesound Node 2 as my DAC and the Bluesound App has volume control. This is connected to my tube preamp which obviously has a volume control as well. What is the school of thought on volume settings and where to control volume during playback? Should I set the DAC's volume to a certain fixed level (and what should that setting be - low, mid, all the way up?) and adjust volume from my preamp? Or vice-versa? Does it matter? It's way easier to control volume via the Bluesound app as my preamp has no remote but I can live with either solution if it makes a difference.

I have combed through a number of similar posts but not sure I got a clear answer.
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Showing 1 response by reubent

I'm guessing the integrated volume control in the Node 2 is a digital attenuator. If this is the case, probably the optimum sound quality should be with the Node 2 set to max. or turn off the internal volume control (whatever is available in the app). I would try it this way, internal volume at MAX (or off) and control the volume from the pre-amp. Of course, if you hear no difference, go back to controlling it via the app. Of course you could always set the internal volume to max, control the volume through the pre-amp. and just use the internal app volume control if/when a passage gets too loud.