Volume Controls - Can they affect Dynamic Range?

These days it’s possible to turn up the volume via several components in the signal path. For instance, I often connect my iPad to my Apple T.V. (then optically to my DAC.) I can turn up the volume via my iPad or via my Pre-amp. I think I’m getting better dynamics when I leave my iPad set to the lowest level and use my Pre-amp (Cary SLP-05) to adjust the volume. My system is: https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/5893. I do have one confession to make though: I’m not using the Chord DAC I’m using a first gen Cambridge audio because it drives my balanced outputs better. The newest Cambridge DAC also has a volume control (as does the newest Apple T.V.) - presenting some users with even more places to crank it up. What are your thoughts on this?

Showing 1 response by thegoldengoose

Thanks for your comments.  Interesting comments on the 24/32 bit stuff.

Do you know if the software attenuates the same way a piece of hardware would?