VMPS speakers

I asked about the VMPS subs a while back and have heard nothing but rave reviews. Now I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with their speakers. In particular the FF1 dynamic version. I emailed them with some questions yesterday and got an almost immediate answer with some questions attached as well. Signed by the owner no less. After 3 emails back and forth I know VMPS is a company I would do business with. However I would have a hard time dropping 7K on a set of speakers that I havent heard even with a 30 day return policy. Please if anyone has had any experience with these speakers or this company post and tell your story.

Showing 1 response by bmccormick

I have a pair of the Super Tower/R and a pair of the Super Tower III in my system and they are simply wonderful. I purchased the ST/R direct from Brian Cheney, and he is a real pleasure to work with. I have not listened to the particular model in question, but can say from my experience you won't be disappointed. You will not find anything that comes close for the same price.