VMPS line of speakers

Can anyone give me feedback on the VMPS FF-1 SRE; I believe these are the new 52” ribbon models or for that matter the VMPS line in general.
My system consists of a Melos tube CD player, Melos tube MA-333 preamplifier and Melos Triode mono block tube amps 90watts; I also have an Audire Forte I have used for driving subs 200w/ch.
Just to give an idea of where I am coming from………..I listen to Classical (large orchestral) and Rock/pop primarily with some jazz…lots of listening to local symphonies and choral groups live over the years.
My listening room is 27’ by 24’ with a 10’ ceiling.
As far as my taste in speakers goes, I value soundstage (width, depth and image placement), the ability of a system when large orchestral crescendos play to maintain cohesiveness and sound clean, fast deep base response with ability to move large amounts of air and to a degree, reasonable ease of placement (wife factor). My previous speakers were large line source ribbons…with separate subwoofers that did this well.
Audionut, I think we are talking about the same speakers, they can currently be viewed on the VMPS website. I am curious, do you know if the changes to the subwoofer magnet structures have been integratred into the latest release of this speaker system? Also, it kind of sounds like the way the ribbons were obtained was a chance occurance, which leaves me to wonder where support will be in the future in terms of availability of the ribbons if one were to blow?
Yes, I am also looking at the Dunlavy V's; The way speakers look aren't much of an issue as far as I am concerned, the wife has yet to like the looks of any speakers I've owned..so I tend not to worry about that too much.
Thanks for the information.
bioman, i suggest you go to harmonicdiscord.com, a discussion forum where vmps has its own thread for folks interested in the product. brian is very responsive there also...

i believe the 52" ribbons are sourced from bohlendeer-graebener, but i'm not sure - ask brian, he'll give ya the straight poop. i *do* know that there were relatively recent changes to the magnets for the ribbons on ff1 & ff3 (the sre-version is what you're considering.) also, i tink the *mega-woofer* option, that you're talking about, has been in use for some time now - again, brian will help w/info here.

i've always thought the ff3 would mate well w/my pair of larger vmps subs (older upright style, which i upgraded w/the megawoofers) - i obviously don't need the better bass response of the ff1's! :>) but, brian has recently released a new model, the rm40 - ~5'6" tall, 12" wide, ~250 lbs, that's much less a visual distraction, due to its not having the *sre* ribbon panel affixed to the side. and, according to one of the vmps dealers that has posted to harmonic discord, its sound is better than the 1st version of the ff3-sre, at ~half the retail price. and, dealers *will* haggle on price... :>) there's a dealer local to me that carries vmps & has the rm40's (where i got my subs), & even the wife is buggin' me to hear them! i'm afraid to go until i know i can cover the costs... ;~) but they offer it in a kit version for a bit less, so w/a decent dealer price, i just may be able to swing it! :>)

doug s.

If you want a great ribbon speaker that looks as good as it sounds and is built like a tank look at Piega.Read Absolute Sounds review by Valen on recommended systems or search for Piega.Also read Stereo Times review by Lew something.The Vmps look like they are built in a basement and have shoddy quality control.
audionet, while i agree that the vmps' don't have the outstanding finish of a proac, piega, or sonus faber, i've seen 'em, even their older pre-ribbon models, & i think *utilitarian* comes to mind - definitely not someting banged out in a basement, or w/shoddy quality control. brian *has* had issues w/his cabinet-makers, but how he deals w/it is very telling - see a recent thread on harmonic discord, about the rm-2's where a customer mentioned a small problem w/one of his cabinets. brian offered to ship out a new one at no charge, no questions asked, & he'd pick up the *defective* one. he also went into some detail explaining the specific difficulty he's had w/his soundcoat dampening material causing problems, & how he's addressing it.

sure, if you have the means to pay three times the cost (or more) for no better sound, but finer cabinetry, then by all means, go for it! :>)

doug s.