
Responses from audionut7283

Help on premium cd player
I am not a dealer and the website you mention is not mine.I am a music lover who happens to post what I feel about what makes music.I had my e-mail address years before someone started using the same thing to market products.I own many products mo... 
Help on premium cd player
I have owned Accuphase,Dcs ,Audiomeca,and many other very well received cd players.Yesterday I heard the new Aloia cd player and I must say it is so much better than anything else I'll be suprised if anyother brand can still be sold.For the first ... 
DAC recommendations
Forget a dac ,sell any digital source you own and find an Aloia cd player.It is the new reference for playback period.I sat for 3 hours yesterday in utter amazement.I have never been so shocked by a component in my 20 years of audio.It surpassed a... 
VMPS line of speakers
If you want a great ribbon speaker that looks as good as it sounds and is built like a tank look at Piega.Read Absolute Sounds review by Valen on recommended systems or search for Piega.Also read Stereo Times review by Lew something.The Vmps look ... 
which DAC to buy ?
As one can see everyone has a favorite.The Kora does not upsample and therefore is not the latest technology.I perfer the sound of the upsampling dacs.I've owned the dodson 217 latest, the kora, and the Audiomeca and find the upsamplers to provide... 
Kora Equinoxe Preamp