VM540ML cartridge - what phono preamp is a good match

I recently upgraded to a Rega Planar 3 turntable, and put a Audio-Technica VM540ML cartridge on it, based on reviews and user comments here and on other sites.  The problem is that loud passages with massed strings and/or brass seem to get strident, overly bright and distorted.  That comes up frequently, since I listen to a lot of classical music.

Well, I found that this cartridge is spec'd for 47k Ohms resistance and 100-200 pF capacitance, which is nice to know, but Rega doesn't publish a capacitance spec on its tonearm wiring. My receiver (Sony STR-D515) shows 50k resistance but no info on the capacitance.  So, I suspect the cartridge and the phono stage might be a poor match, producing the strident brightness I'm hearing in the upper range instruments, but can't verify in the absence of specs.

So, my question is, if you are using this cartridge (or a similar A-T VM line cart), what preamp are you using to get good results?  

Thanks in advance!

Showing 3 responses by johnss

I have the same cart. Lots of choices for phono preamp.

try the EAR 834. if price is too much, then go for the doukmall clone on ebay for 369, then add some PSVANE tubes and becomes quite musical, very detailed, but no harshness.

where you are located?


yes, there is quite a range in what is offered though.

Doukmall sells what is basically a nearly direct clone for 430 bucks +/-

there are also several sellers now offering Marantz 7 phono stage clones. I just picked one of those up. Excellent, excellent build quality, decent quality parts, and chassis construction that is comparable to US made phono stages at the mid 4 figure price level. Am dying to try it out when it shows up. Some versions even have valve rectification which the original did not have.

also agree that the late DG lps can be strident and a bit edgy. But the new re-issues of same recording from DG are not, they are quite good. very natural and balanced sounding.

I have owned most of the MF phono gear. the more expensive units are quite nice. if both are an improvement over the sony AV receiver, then take the jump and buy one of the EAR clones. I have the real EAR as well as several of the clones. Clones are quite a bargain. and you can get them with ship to the US for around 300.