VM540ML cartridge - what phono preamp is a good match

I recently upgraded to a Rega Planar 3 turntable, and put a Audio-Technica VM540ML cartridge on it, based on reviews and user comments here and on other sites.  The problem is that loud passages with massed strings and/or brass seem to get strident, overly bright and distorted.  That comes up frequently, since I listen to a lot of classical music.

Well, I found that this cartridge is spec'd for 47k Ohms resistance and 100-200 pF capacitance, which is nice to know, but Rega doesn't publish a capacitance spec on its tonearm wiring. My receiver (Sony STR-D515) shows 50k resistance but no info on the capacitance.  So, I suspect the cartridge and the phono stage might be a poor match, producing the strident brightness I'm hearing in the upper range instruments, but can't verify in the absence of specs.

So, my question is, if you are using this cartridge (or a similar A-T VM line cart), what preamp are you using to get good results?  

Thanks in advance!

Showing 4 responses by 2ndtrumpet

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.  The cartridge now has a little over 20 hours, which I thought might be enough run-in time.  Maybe it needs more.  But I suspect, like y'all do, that the built-in phono stage isn't much to begin with, and may present more input capacitance than the A-T wants to see, as well. 
The EAR 834 is way beyond my budget for this, but it sure does get some glowing reviews.  There are limited opportunities to hear anything around here, other than one shop that carries Rega equipment (where I bought my new turntable), or the BestBuys that carry McIntosh (waaayyy beyond my budget).  So, other than a Rega Fono (MM or Mini), it looks I'll have to rely on reviews or recommendations.
Johnss & noromance ...are you talking about the ones from China that include EAR834 in the title? The ones I see are only $200 or so.  Are they pretty good?  
noromance ... I have played about 50 LP's on it.  Sounds a bit better, but the stridency is still there on some recordings...especially on 1960's DG 
roberjerman ... regarding the Bellari, does the input capacitance matter?  Can't find the specs on this unit, but several have commented that the VM540 doesn't like anything above 200pF total.  Does the tube overcome that?

Yes, I've seen comments elsewhere to that effect about the A-T's brightness being tamed by letting them run a little low in the tail.  That's why I didn't add shims to raise the arm.  Or is it that it enhances the bass a little, which makes us perceive the treble to be moderated?

I wondered about the DG's from that period.  I have several late Mozart symphonies on DG - Karl Bohm and Berlin...the violins are a bit strident.  It just wasn't noticeable on the Technics linear tracker/AT152LP  I used for 30 years.
We now have two outboard preamps in the house, a ProJect Phono Box S2 and a Musical Fidelity LX-LPS.  Neither is very expensive, but both are a noticeable improvement over the Sony AV receiver's phono stage.  I have some time to compare them in a rolling A/B test before I have to decide on which to keep.  So far, I hear some differences, but they are more subtle than the differences between them and the Sony.