Viva Solistino Amp

Viva Solistino amp?

I am considering purchasing the above amp.

I have poured over previous Viva threads, which mostly cover its big brother. And so far all are positive regarding the performance of these amps. The dealer that I’m working with says the Solistino now share the same transformers as the Solista and has “…closed a fair gap between them…” The difference in price between these two amps is $ 4500.00 dollars and I cant justify this spread.

I would be interested in any comments from current owners and their experience with Viva would be appreciated.

My speakers are from Daedalus audio “Argos” which are rated 97dB efficient. There is nothing wrong with my current tube PA +SS amp by Modwright. But now I'm  curious about the tube experience. My system is listed on the system page.

I know that Viva does not encourage tube rolling, not sure that’s a big deal as of now. And that this amp does run hot.

 Other amps I have considered is the MasterSound Compact 845 and the Ayon Crossfire. Both are less than the price of admission of the Viva.


Showing 2 responses by david_ten

@maxboy00   Congratulations and looking forward to your impressions.


I have also owned master sound 300b amps and they to are well made and good sounding but not as pretty as VIVA.
By "pretty" do you mean aesthetically?

Can you also provide your take on the differences between Mastersound and VIVA? Thanks.
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