Virtue Audio Speaker Cables

Any users of their Nirvana speaker cables?

Showing 1 response by mr_man

I have, and was pleasantly surprised with their build quality and sound.
They ended up replacing both my MIT 750 and Signal Ultra speaker cables.
To my ears the Virtue are more open through the mids than both cables, giving vocals a great sense of realism.
They were also more detailed than the MIT's, which at first I thought would translate into brightness, but they proved to be very listenable over extended periods of time.
In fact, when I switched my MIT's back in after a few weeks, They sounded congested in comparison.
In my system they've worked very well and I haven't had the urge to upgrade since I got them.

Also, unlike the Signals, They happen to look far more expensive than they are. Pictures don't quite do them justice...

I hope that helps...