Virtual Dynamics Master Series in the rig!

First I have to admit I was but a few seconds away from launching these cables right into the frickin ocean….I have less than a foot of space between the back of my rig and the wall, installing these things was a blood pressure raising experience. It was like wrestling with an effin’ anaconda. I had to vertically bi-wire them because the magnets are so strong that the cables kept linking together. Anyway, now that they are setting in I can say that it was well worth the aggravation. Just yesterday added a BAT Vk-51SE preamp and I didn’t think the soundstage could get any better, or wider! I suck at describing what I’m hearing but I’m listening to Fink “rocking chair” and the presentation is deep, airy and TIGHT. The decay of the vocals is superb. Wow. I hunted for these cables for a long time, these are a home run.



Showing 2 responses by kota1

Congratulations! I am using the Virtual Dynamics Master Digital Coax and it is very stiff. I am using Virtual Dynamics Nite power cords and it is very, very thick but yoy can bend them into the shape you want. In my system for ages and I won’t be taking them out. When they do come up on Audiogon they have held their value very well over the years. I use active speakers so never tried the speaker cables.

I had such a great experience working with the company back in the day. It continues to impress me. I have Nite Power Cords on my powered speakers and my processor. The Reference Digital IC is fantastic, I haven’t felt any need to change it even though it is more than 10 years old and digital has changed a lot over time. I didn’t write this review from 2002 but agree with it: