Virtual dynamics Master powercords

Category: Cables

I just wanted to say that VD master powercords have made a huge difference in my system.I put one on my transport and one on my birdland audio dac and the sound was just incredible.I have a third Master that I have been burning in with an adapter to the refridgerator.I want to also thank Rick the owner of Virtual Dynamics for being such a great person to do business with.

Showing 1 response by gdecent33

Rocc,Rick is a great guy.I traded my Nite powercord and got great value towards the master powercords.I want to give you an update on the last master powercord that I had burning in on the refridgerator.This one surprised me the most.I took out the Black Mamba that I had on my Plinius 9200 intergrated amp and put in the Master and "wow" is all I can say.The improvements where incredible,soundstage, inner detail, resolution,impact,smoothness on and on.I always heard that you get the most improvements on your frontend equipment.I have to say that I could not be happier with my system now.One last thing to anyone that has not dealt with him before do yourself a favor and call Rick at virtual Dynamics he is a wonderful person to talk to.He will even take trades of other companies.