Virtual Dynamics + Ensemble Power Cords- good mix

I recently received an excellent power cord from Rick & the crew at Virtual D- his top-of-the-line Power Signature. VERY revealing (like a shot of adrenaline in the system). It has yet to break in fully, and Rick has said his new 'cryo' process will take it to yet another level- he is now offering the additional process on all his cables I believe...

OK- I have been using Ensemble Megaflux PC's only for quite some time, and love the natural tonality, however things seemed not quite as 'alive' as I would have liked. The VD cable brought things to life with just the amount of increased resolution I was looking for, without a higher noise floor.

In my 2-ch system comprised of 4 tube monoblocks in a bi-amp setup, I have found great results using the Virtual D cords on the amps, and keeping the 2 Ensemble cords + one Isolink transformer on digital(Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP).

Same 'virtual' benefit in the second HT-based system- Theta Dreadnaught 5-ch amp is excellent natural-sounding SS, however perhaps a tad on the warmer side of neutral. Installing the VD Power Signature cord here again gave me the resolution I was looking for (kept an Ensemble Isolink and Megaflux PC's on the HT Processor). The only other cord I have wondered about for the Theta amp is the Custom Power Top Gun HCFi- I used to use the regular Top Gun on my old Rowland Concentra integrated, and it was a fine performer.

Anyways- don't hesitate to try the Virtual Dynamics cords- Rick has apparently now added interconnects and speaker cables, and an exclusive cryogenic process for all. As mentioned, they can be put in a 'mix' quite well with other cords too- in fact, I believe mega-cord Audiogon reviewer 'Tekunda' might be using the same VD/Ensemble mix of power cords last time I saw one of his posts. I believe Rick also has a $$$-back guarantee. If you ever speak to him, you will also find him very passionate about what he is doing, with the science to back it up.

Showing 2 responses by stehno

If Sandra Day O'Connor and Ted Kennedy can have a vote and share their personal opinions, then I think Tekunda should be able to also. Unless, of course audiogon already has a policy in place that forbids Tekunda from his personal opinions without disclosure.

Personally, I think cornfedboy should disclose the fact that he is a lawyer and act's as legal advisor to

Tekunda, I'd be interested to know what you find as I have a VD pc also.

CFB, you seem to have some pretty fervent opinions about Sandra Day. Like I was surprised. I only threw Teddy in there just give you the impression that I am fair and balanced. :)

Me? Why, I've been umemployed for quite some time now.
